About Us
Since we started back in 2011 doing lessons we've added to our little family with some of the best guys in the South Bay. We couldn't be happier to have these cats on our team. If you're ever in the area we invite you to come by and hang out.

Folks are always asking us about our name and what it's all about and how to pronounce it (Nee-Ko-Ki or Nee-Cow-Ki). Nikau and Kai are the names of our boys and as it happens also means Palm and Ocean in many Polynesian languages, hence our logo. So that's it... a family thing. If we're lucky, maybe they'll get to run it one day.

The other part of our name also tends to raise an eyebrow here and there. It's a fairly new thing to say we're a waterman shop as opposed to being another surf shop. Not to oversimplify it, but we like to think waterman simply means you love being in and on the water and prefer it to just about anyplace else. From lakes and rivers to open ocean crossings and of course, surfing everything you can get your hands on. Being that we are based in a coastal community, our little company is here to offer quality ocean gear and instruction for the waterman in all of us. No real hype... just the goods.